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The posts on CONTENT UNRELATED are the intellectual (a term used about as loosely as any term can be used) property of the writer. Those interested in using some or all of the content in any post can do so, but should expect people to stop taking them seriously. Should one assume the risk of using shit from CONTENT UNRELATED, please at least tell people where you got the shit in the first place. But I mean, let's be serious here for a second -- would you really want to take credit for any of this?
By reading the posts found in CONTENT UNRELATED, the user acknowledges that he/she is at least the physical age of 18 years, and the mental age of much, much younger. Upon entering this blog, the user also agrees that he/she has a fucking sense of humor.
CONTENT UNRELATED recognizes the full potential -- and makes gratuitous use -- of obscene language, and hasn't a fucking clue what "politically correct" means. Sophomoric sexual humor , including multiple herpes and other STD references, should also be expected.
Pictures on CONTENT UNRELATED are not used with the intention of copyright infringement. All images were found with Google Image Search. If you happen upon one of your images, comment here (with proof) and I'll give necessary credit. Shit, I might write about you, but that's really more of a punishment than reward.
Descriptions of actual people, places and events are purely coincidental. Thus, upon entering and reading posts on this blog, the user agrees that this is sort of like an episode of Law & Order SVU.
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Companies and businesses mentioned in CONTENT UNRELATED, as well as their products and services, have no affiliation with the blog. Any negative remarks about said companies or businesses and their respective products or services are purely in jest. In short -- take a fucking joke. By the simple act of viewing this blog and the posts contained within it -- be it firsthand or otherwise -- you've agreed not to sue me. For anything.
Furthermore, views and opinions expressed about particular products or services mentioned on CONTENT UNRELATED are not meant to deter potential customers or clients from consuming the aforementioned products or services. If any person's product or service choices are altered solely from posts on CONTENT UNRELATED, then that person needs an immediate psychiatric evaluation.
Companies or businesses and their products or services that happen to receive positive remarks or praise in CONTENT UNRELATED should consider themselves lucky, but should not expect an increase in sales or an influx of new customers. If, by some miracle, sales increase -- by reading this blog you agree to send the writer a portion of your new profits.
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CONTENT UNRELATED does not guarantee 100 percent satisfaction, and may sometimes leave the user disappointed, disgusted, or some synonym of either.
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This Disclaimer/Terms of Use/Privacy Policy/End User License Agreement can and will change without notice to the user. If users miss any changes or updates made to the Disclaimer/Terms of Use/Privacy Policy/End User License Agreement -- well that's just tough goddamn noogies.